
The Script

For a play or musical, the script is the written dialogue, stage directions and instructions for the actors of the show.  Below is a sample script of a how a scene would take place for a prospective client who is interested in working with Precision Organizing Plus (POP).


Karyn: Professional Organizer
Michele: Prospective Client

ACT 1: Scene 1                   

Karyn is in her home office and received a phone call from a prospective client, Michele. Michele needs help and is intrigued that someone from POP would be willing to clean up and organize her mess.  She would love to have POP organize her basement.

Karyn starts the call by explaining how the first session is a consultation to assess the project that needs to be done and that the initial meeting can be done by phone, virtually via Zoom or in person. During the meeting, Karyn starts to assess the project, discusses the client’s main goal and then offers a few solutions. Together they determine the next steps.  But, Michele still has several questions.

MICHELE: How long is a regular session?

KARYN: Usually 3-4 hours with a two-hour minimum. I always like to finish showing my client “a difference.”

MICHELE: What do I need for the session?

KARYN: Nothing! I will come prepared with all the necessary supplies based on the project, for example, a label maker, temporary file folders for sorting, post-its, trash bags – whatever we need.

MICHELE: Once I have decided to get rid of things, how do I dispose of them?

KARYN: This typically falls into a few categories: storage, trash or donation. I can offer options for all and you can decide how you would like to proceed.

MICHELE: How do I know what organizing products I need?

KARYN: I have many resources for you to check out for organizing. Such as, retail stores, internet, catalogs and more.  I will research based on your needs and find the best products for you in your price range. This is one of the last steps, so you don’t have to purchase any storage containers before you know how we will use them.

MICHELE: My basement is a mess and frankly I’m embarrassed, is this service confidential?

KARYN: Absolutely! Information and project work will always be kept confidential between you and me. It is important to me that my clients feel safe and trust me with their personal belongings. Please know, I may ask for your consent to promote the transformation but would not do so without your permission. 

MICHELE: Tell me, how much will I be charged?

KARYN: Most billing is by the hour, which is $125/hr. However, project and day rates are also available and negotiable.

Let me give you an example of how it works. We might open one box and find one item, while another may hold dozens of unrelated items, all of which need to be sorted, recorded, shelved, stored, moved or given away.  In addition, I take pride in honoring your decision-making, some clients are quick to decide; others require a bit more time.

With that being said, I can’t provide you with an exact price beforehand because it depends on the length of time for the project.

MICHELE: Thank you for your candor, I’d like to get started as soon as possible! How soon can you start?

Karyn and Michele continue their conversation and schedule a date to get started cleaning and organizing Michele’s basement.

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